Telusuri Blog Ini

Jumat, 07 Februari 2020

My School was Loved us

Weak, tired, lethargic, weak, and weak body condition is a sign of lack of blood. Some steps to overcome them such as consuming foods containing iron and folic acid or with blood boosting tablets. Blood booster drugs like this become a solution if someone is deficient in red blood cells.

Normally the number of red blood cells is very important for everyone. If there is a shortage of red blood cells, people will suffer from anemia. Consequently, the body's cells do not get enough oxygen.This medicine is only for women, because this drug is a blood booster medication. If for men, what are the benefits: v. This blood booster medication is given once every 1 week. not required to drink it, if you do not want to drink it or maybe it is not necessary maybe you can give it to your family / you can refuse when given. this drug is given from the health center, so guaranteed halal and good to drink. This drug is given to us every Thursday / The Friday that was shared by the student council in class.

My Class Victory

This photo shows SPONTIFIVE carrying One Thousand Rupiah

What we achieved from the choir competition. We won this victory from the results of our hard work, our cohesiveness, our cooperation, the prayers given, also certainly with the results of our wali's hard work namely Mam Ayu who always supports us until we achieve this victory and get this money. Even though we practice only 1-2 times, Alhamdulillah we can win, even though it is not according to our plans / expectations. This is all because of SPONTIFIVE. You can see that how SPONTIFIVE worked together to achieve this victory. Not only that SPONTIFIVE also got the best class cleanliness many times, to get the trophy many times, even though only a few times getting the best class of English we still tried to get it:

Kamis, 06 Februari 2020

Industrial Revolution by Nabilah

 Industrial REVOLUTION has now entered a new phase.  That is already in the industrial revolution 4.0.  Where industry is a production process that occurs throughout the world by combining three important elements, namely humans, machines / robots, and big data.  The combination of these three elements will drive the entire production to be more effective and faster and more massive.  No exception, educational institutions now also face challenges that are not easy, especially SMK.  Many fields of work that have been filled with lost human labor have been replaced by technology, machinery, robots, or artificial intelligence.  As a result, many SMK graduates who should be able to work immediately end up being threatened with unemployment.
 Facing this great challenge, education, in this case SMKs must be demanded to change.  Moreover, in a BPS study (2018) it was mentioned that the highest unemployment rate was SMK graduates, which was 11.24 percent.  This is certainly the concern of policy makers.  Because, according to Presidential Regulation No. 41 of 2015 concerning the Grand Design of Teaching Factory Development, vocational education has not been able to realize its original purpose.  That is to help bridge the gap between industry and education.

 The 21st century is a century based on the Gregorian calendar and started from 2001 to 2100. In this century, technology developed enormously.  This rapid technological development has an impact on various fields, namely economic, social, political and cultural and make a linkage of a country with another country which is also called globalization.
 21st century education teachers can learn anywhere to improve professional competence through online learning methods (in the network) or online, unobstructed by time and space.  Likewise with students in school emphasized on 4C (creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration).  Teacher-centered learning in the 21st century is no longer recommended.

Beautiful View of Lusi Island by Olivia

The beauty of the charm of the lusi island that is still natural, needs touches from tapering hands, so that the warp island can be presented with a variety of facilities that can spoil visitors.  Not only local tourists but also able to steal the attention of foreign tourists, to flock to present on the island of Lusi to enjoy the beauty of the island of Lusi and surrounding areas.
Lusi Island Tourism (formerly called Sarinah Island) because the island is located in the middle of the Porong River and the border between Pasuruan and Sidoarjo, Kedungpandan Jabon Village.  On the island there is an engine boat managed by members of a village tour group, to go to Lusi Island.
Lusi Island or Sarinah Island was formed due to silt deposits originating from the hot mudflow disaster, which occurred 12 years ago.  12 years ago the evaporated mud was dumped into the Porong river, then the river flow delivered mud and then formed as well.
 Actually on this island there are no plants that result from dredging or reclamation in the disposal area which is surrounded by jetty construction to form a pale-shaped expanse of land known as the Sidoarjo Mud Island (Lusi Island).  .  As a result mangroves thrive on the island of Sidoarjo mud deposit.  Currently the island is covered with mangrove plants.
 Be this island as a tourist in Sidoarjo.  Which is not far from Jabon village.  On Lusi Island there is a gazebo to pamper visitors while taking pictures and if you coincide with enjoying the sunset, not only is there a gazebo but there is also a wooden bridge on Lusi Island and there is a mangrove forest.  we can also take a boat to surround Lusi Island.

Lets know our activity

This is our activity when our mosque is unable to used, maybe because rainy or something. If the mosque is can not to use, we always go to our class to reading our Quran.. for the example in that video, we read any surah in quran together... when our homeroom teacher was reading too we always like to reading al quran and discuss the surah..

My Activity and Some Nice side in my school by Bian

This photo is when the student of the seventh point give in learning activities
The photos are affixed as decoration on our class's window panes, all of them are mementos of 7.5 grade students ... We stick together together happily
They are language offenders.  They do not use English, because at MTsB all students must speak English wherever, whenever.  If not, we will get punishment from homeroom teacher or teacher
This is the room where the teacher puts his belongings.  The teachers also take a break at that place. The place also has a function, its function is if students will look for teachers to give assignments or other important things we can look for teachers in the room.

Before MTsB students come home, they usually say goodbye to the teacher in the teacher's office.  We better if we meet with the teacher, we must do 5S, which is smile, greetings, polite, shake hands, polite.  We must have good manners.  If not, people will not like us, because we are not good manners.  Good manners must be done wherever, whenever ... Because manners are very important and if we do well we will get the reward ...

This ladder is a ladder that connects the second floor with the third floor.  On the second floor there is a classroom and teacher's room. On the third floor there is a special class for seventh grade students. This ladder is also suitable for making photographs, this ladder is very Instagramable because many MtsB students use this ladder as a photo spot
In the morning, after the Dhuha prayer, we do the TOEFL activity.  TOEFL is memorization, listening and writing activities in English.  We usually do it in class or in the MTsB mosque.

Mandatory Extracuriculer in my School by Fania

My school has a mandatory extracurricular to be followed by the class seven grades to the nine grades This extracurricular held every three weeks on Friday after learning is over at 16.00 WIB to 17.00 WIB. Do you know what TOEFL is? 

TOEFL is an English-speaking ability of the world's need to sign in to university universities or other country countries in the world. This exam is very needed for the registrant or speaker whose mother is not English. TOEFL exams in the held by ETS (Educational Testing Service) in the United States for all test participants around the world. This type of TOEFL English test is annually at the need for college entry requirements in almost all at USA Unitasa United States and Canada either for Undergraduate (S-1) or Graduate (S-2 or S-3) programs. The TOEFL results are also in Pertu as a midwifickness of the English language ability from the Calom of Supreme Students who sign up for universities in other countries, including universities in Europe and Australia. In general, TOEFL tests are more oriented to American Earchal, and slightly different from the type of IELTS test oriented to British EANGHLISH unlike IELTS tests, this TOEFL test in general has no individual interview test. In addition to TOEFL in today has started in the work world as one of the recruitment mechanisms or levels of rises. It usually takes about 3 hours and in held in 4 parts: • Listening comprehension • Grammar Structure, Written, and Expression • Reading Comprehension • Writting .....

Lapindo Mud, Our New Trip Destination in Sidoarjo by Nasywa

The Sidoarjo mud volcano, also known as the Lapindo Mud or Sidoarjo Mud, is an incident of hot mud eruption at the Lapindo Brantas Inc. drilling site.  in Balongnongo Hamlet, Renokenongo Village, Porong District, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java, Indonesia, since May 29, 2006. Wikipedia

Location: Porong, Sidoarjo, East Java
Date: May 29, 2006;  13 years ago until now

  • Why does Lapindo mud happen?

 The view that the Lapindo disaster was caused by an earthquake stated that seismic waves spread to the drilling location in Sidoarjo, causing the melting of clay formations below the Kalibeng area, triggering an overflow.  Pressure that causes mudflow triggers the release of gas.  The release of gas itself does occur when mud overflows.
 Lapindo mud overflowed because of PT Lapindo's activities near that location.  Lapindo Brantas drilled the Banjar Panji-1 well in early March 2006 using the drilling contractor PT Medici Citra Nusantara.  The contract was obtained by Medici on behalf of Alton International Indonesia, in January 2006, after winning a drilling tender from Lapindo worth US $ 24 million.

This is Us

Look Our School!!

Tere is a picture that shows a madrasah school that stands firmly. When returning from school, the madrasah front road is always jammed, because of the large number of students going home.

From the picture above, shows the picture where students gather to worship. That place is not only for worship, but to be used to carry out activities organized by madrassas.

From the picture on the right, there is a picture where students watch TV. With television facilities, we can learn more easily. Not only that, we also use television to conduct tests that will appear on television screens.

The Favorite Side in Our School


So important is the role of the canteen for the nutritional intake of school students.  Canteen
 MTS schools provide the most healthy, safe and quality food
 important Halal.

 In our school canteen
 There are many sellers of snacks and heavy meals, also available
 catering for students who don't have time to bring lunch in the morning.
 Kantin MTS is located on the 1st floor of the school building.  So much rest time
 students stormed the 1st floor to order food and drinks.  Lots
 also students bring lunch from home but eat together in the cafeteria.
 Let many of his friends to eat together while discussing the subject matter.
 So ... my friends and friends eat together in the cafeteria.  So that we too
 accustomed to communicating with classmates.

Library in our School

MTs Bilingual Muslimat NU Pucang Sidoarjo

This library is often visited by many students
 at rest.  The location of this library is at
 the back of class 9.6 and close to the room
 In this library
 There are many books like books
 lessons, comic books, magazines and other books.
 When a student wants to come in and borrow books in the library then
 must show the library member card.
This library has
 some rules that must be followed, including:
 1. Do not litter.
 2. It is forbidden to eat and drink in the library.
 3. It is prohibited to be noisy so as not to disturb others

Our New Mosque by Antonio

Bilingual MTs MOSQUE
 located near the gate
 school.  That place often
 MTsB students use for
 gather like in the morning
 they pray dhuha
 in congregation.  After that the mosque
 MTsB is also used for students
 MTsB to perform the midday and afternoon prayer in congregation.
 The MtsB mosque is also usually used for MTsB students to carry out
 KBM.  like now the mosque

MTsB is used by grade 9 students
 for UN preparations such as drill
 about the UN.  At the time of prayer
 in class 7 and
 Class 8 is not made as one.  Student
 Class 7 is located on the left
 mosque and 8th grade located at
 to the right.  At the back of the mosque there are also 3 bath rooms available
 When students want to go to the bathroom, they don't have to go forward first.  In
 behind the bathroom there is a place of ablution, not only near the door
 the gate is also a place of ablution

Azcanio opinion,s about his beloved school

Setelah beberapa bulan bersekolah di MTs Bilingual , Saya melihat sedikit kekurangan dan beberapa kelebihan MTsB, Seperti :
-- Kekurangan
  •Tempat Sampah
Sebaiknya pengurus madrasah harus lebih pintar dalam mengelola sampah agar tidak berdampak pada manusia . Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut sebaiknya madrasah menyiapkan 3 Jenis sampah agar lebih mudah untuk diuraikan.

•Tempat Cuci Tangan
      Pada saat mencuci tangan , baju dan sepatu siswa terkena cipratan air . Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut sebaiknya tempat cuci tangan bukan seperti tempat wudhu , Tetapi seperti Wastafel

-- Kelebihan
 • Adanya Smart TV Di Setiap Kelasnya
 • Adanya Kegiatan Toefl Setiap Harinya

Ulum and Inu Opinion's about Their Class

Gambar berikut adalah salah satu fasilitas yang ada didalam kelas yang diberikan oleh sekolah untuk kegiatan belajar mengajar, dan sebagai siswa di kelas 7.5 sebaiknya kita menggunakannya dengan sebaiknya dan seperlunya sebagaimana fungsi dari Smart TV tersebut. Dan sebagai siswa yang berada di kelas tersebut maka seharusnya kita menjaganya dengan sebaik-baiknya dan bukannya merusak fasilitas yang telah diberikan apalagi sekarang ada beberapa peraturan baru yang dibuat untuk menertipkan para siswa , salah satunya adalah mendapat point apabila merusak salah satu fasilitas yang diberikan oleh sekolah.
Tujuan dari sekolah memberikan Smart TV untuk kegiatan belajar mengajar adalah untuk memepersiapkan sistem belajar dari era 4.0 menuju era 5.0 . Dan karena pada masa ini hampir semua sitem belajar yang diterapkan semuanaya menggunakan teknologi.

Zharfan's Opinion about His Class

Pada gambar
menunjukkan hasil karya kelas namun sepenuhnya ada yang tidak.Namun,ada juga renovasi yang tidak sempurna yaitu:
a)penataan buku yang ada di perpustakaan kelas kurang rapi.
b)penataan sandal yang kurang rapi dan berantakan
c)penataan al-Qur an dengan kurang rapi

namun dengan kekurangan tersebut terdapat juga kelebihan dari kelas kita yaitu:
a)kelas selalu mendapatkan penghargaan dalam hal kebersihan
b)tembok kelas di penuhi kata-kata yang membuat kita menjadi lebih semangat untuk menuntut ilmu.

“meskipun terdapat kekurangan dan kelebihan masing-masing setidaknya kami dari kelas 7.5 dapat bekerja sama untuk merenovasi kelas agar lebih semangat untuk menuntut ilmu”

Rabu, 05 Februari 2020

Chleo's Opinion about Sidoarjo

Haduh...kasihan Sidoarjo kena banjir...,kenapa ya sidoarjo dapat banjir??????...ya itu Salah Kita ya KITA!!!!
Penyebab untamanya mungkin Karena sampah yang Kita buang ke sungai menyumbat saluran air bisa juga Karena Kita menebang pohon secara berlebih lebihan,tapi ya juga mungkin bukan Salah Kita tapi ya bisa Karena fenomena supermoon
Tapi ya kalau dipikir pikir lagi Ada beberapa Hal yang harus ditambahin agar gal ini bisa dicegah
  • membersihlan selokan air
  • menanam lebih banyak pohon
  • mendirikan bangunan atau pencegah banjir
  • membuang sampah pada tempatnya

Kita butuh lebih bekerja keras untuk membuat sidoarjo bebas banjir,Dan untuk seluruh Indonesia untuk bebas banjir,Kita sekarang menghadapi musim hujan Dan Kita butuh lebih persiapan untuk menghadapinya. salam, Ce.

The Difference of Our School than Other School

  •  1. Kurikulum Cambridge

Cambridge International curriculum is part of an international curriculum qualification provider that has been tested in 1000 schools in 160 countries including Indonesia. As the name implies the curriculum is part of the Cambridge Assesment non-profit organization, Cambridge University, England. Introduced in Indonesia a few years ago, the current Cambridge curriculum has undergone several adjustments. Formerly Cambridge International was named Cambridge International Examination, but in 2018 it changed to Cambridge Assessment International Education. This change in name confirms that Cambridge International is not merely a question of process itself, not just the results. The Cambridge curriculum is also designed so that students can explore their knowledge from what to how. If other curricula require students to be successful in all subject areas, the Cambridge curriculum focuses instead on the interests and talents of students. This makes students' specialized abilities more deeply honed. The specialty of the Cambdridge Curriculum is that students have global competence and also guarantee students to: Fluent in English Has an international perspective Get the latest and modern education Opportunities to study at the world's best campuses,


2. English Day
English day is a subject that contains questions from English subject that have been explained. English day also usually contains rote memorization for MTsB students. In English day subjects we can also learn English from film. For example : from the Harry Potter movie, because Harry Potter also uses English.


3. Toefl
toefl at MTsB is an activity to train students to become accustomed to speak English. in this toefl activity, we are told to memorize sentences, listen and answer questions, speak English. the purpose of this toefl is to make us fluent in English, for example we meet strangers who arefrom abroad. if the young generation of Indonesia cannot speak English, it can be ridiculed by outsiders. because English has become a local language and we should be able to. accustomed to speak English also benefits us. one of them is, we speak English fluently ,our days are fun. because learning English is fun, when we learn English we just relax so it's fun.


4. Adab
Adab (Arabic: أدب) in the context of behavior, refers to prescribed Islamic etiquette: "refinement, good manners, morals, decorum, decency, humaneness".
While interpretation of the scope and particulars of Adab may vary among different cultures, common among these interpretations is regard for personal standing through the observation of certain codes of behavior.To exhibit Adab would be to show "proper discrimination of correct order, behavior, and taste.

Factors Affecting Adab
 The factors that affect humanity, including:
  •  Religious teachings

 Basically, religion is a foundation in daily life and also provision for future life.  Those who get the right religious education will know how important civilization is in life. Those who believe will obey the rules of their religion and tend to be afraid of doing bad deeds so that it is easier to instill adab.  In fact, people who obey the rules of life will be more peaceful, peaceful and happy.

  • Customs

 Customs are one of the things that affect human attitudes and can later influence etiquette.  Customs are synonymous with a hereditary attitude and have been maintained for a long time.  For this reason, this affects everyday human habits.  However, in some cases these customs are not in accordance with the law or religious teachings.  They tend to justify what they think is true, not the real truth.  So, it is necessary to sort out each of the customs that exist in learning to be a civilized human being.

  • Lust

 Lust is one of the driving factors for humans to get things like food, ambition, biological relationships to luxury.  Lust is the thing that most often plunges people, especially if it is not controlled by conscience or hold fast to religion.  To improve etiquette, humans must always maintain good desires in their souls.  In addition, must be diligent in carrying out orders in religion and stay away from its prohibitions.

  • Constitution

 The law is a basic rule in state life.  These rules are made as well as possible for the prosperity of its people.  The absence of negative statutory rules.  For this reason, civilized people will certainly behave in accordance with the rules of the law.

  So therefore we as Muslims and Muslim students, must show good words in every speech.  The following are some of the ethics of speech that are guided by Islam:

  • Say Good Or Be Silent

 The Nabawi manners in speaking are careful and think first before speaking.  After pondering that the words are good, he should say them.  Conversely, if the words he wants to say is bad, then he should refrain and better keep quiet.

  • A Little Talk More First

  People who like to talk for a long time will find it difficult to control themselves from mistakes.  Words that glide like running water will wash away anything that is being struck, will inevitably launch the good words and the bad ones.  Because of that the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa Salam forbids us to say much.

  • Talking about everything you hear is forbidden

  The word world in the midst of humanity is a mixed world.  Like humans themselves who are diverse and mixed up;  Salih, wicked, hypocrites, polytheists and infidels.  Therefore, the words of humankind must be true, lies;  some are good and some are bad.  Therefore, there are rules in Islam about the words, "Whoever talks about everything he hears, means he is a lying speaker."  This is in accordance with the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa Salam.

  • Don't Curse and Speak Dirty

  Cursing and expletives in modern materialistic life nowadays are considered normal.  A person who is perfectly moral is the person who is the most distant from dirty words, curses, expletives and other vile words.  So we avoid mocking, making fun of and looking down on people who talk.

  • Don't Be Happy to Argue Although Right

 At present, in nature which is said to be democracy, debate has become commonplace and even encouraged.  There are debates on presidential candidates, debates on candidates for governor and so on.  In certain cases, explaining the argument to explain the truth based on science and beliefs is indeed necessary and useful. However, arguing based on ignorance, prediction, supernatural problems or in a useless matter is a waste of time and has an effect on breaking up brotherhood and causing animosity.

  • Lying Is Forbidden To Laugh People

 The world of entertainment (entertainment) is a world that is favored by most of humanity.  One type of entertainment that is loved by people to relieve stress and the heavy burden of life is comedy.  With this joke, people laugh out loud, even though in it there is a mixture of truth and lies, such as forcing oneself to fabricate lies to make people laugh.  They are the ones who are threatened through verbal statements by the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa Salam with his words:
 "Woe to those who speak and then lie to make people laugh.  Woe to him, and woe to him! "(Narrated by Abu Daud, Al-Albani).

 Should speak in an audible voice, neither too loud nor too low.  The phrase is clearly understandable to everyone and is not made up or forced. Do not talk about something that is not useful.  The Prophet's hadith stated, "Including the goodness of one's Islam is to leave something that is not useful." (HR. Ahmad and Ibn Majah).


5. ASTEAM as a work program for MTsB
At MTsB also has ESSAM which is a lesson that is not available in other schools, such as: English day, science day, and math day.Asteam as an MtsB work program is because students can be trained in these three subjects. So Asteam is used as a work program for MTsB.Asteam has an important role in MTsB schools.


6. Why in MTsB must use speak English?
because at MTsB
students students are trained to speak English fluently. many of its benefits if we often speak English, one of which is that we can speak English fluently, increase knowledge, easily communicate with foreigners, make us feel safe when vacationing abroad. there is a certain time to speak English at MTsB, i.e. before the first and second breaks, before the dhuha, dhuhur, asr prayer. if we often use English everywhere, whenever we become more relaxed. English is now a local language or mandatory languagewe use. English is currently found everywhere, for example: food recipes, brands, procedures, regulations, and others.


7. Learning century 21
The industrial revolution has now entered a new phase. Namely, the industrial revolution 4,0. Where industry is a production process that occurs throughout the world by combiny three important elements, namely humans, machines/robots, and big data.